† Emily Seonwoo Song
born: 1970
died: 1997 (age 27)
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Oh Emi...
We're not sure how she died. It was probably nobly.

† Mark Kiwoo Song
born: 1973
died: 2/13/2020 (age 47)
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Mark was the most recent chosen. He died in a car accident a couple years ago. He was a firefighter.

Sue Sujin Han
born: 1974 (age 48)

Hugo Dongwoo Song
born: 1975 (age 47)
Hugo doesn't know anything about the prophecy. He never will, if all goes well.

Debra Powers
Debra may or may not have been the previous guardian angel, in charge of Emily and Mark. Technically, we don't know anything.
We do know that she's a failure.

Shay Seiseon Song
born: 1/11/2004 (age 18)
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Shay Song is the current Chosen. He's a freshman in college, which is kind of crazy if you think about it.

Shelby Seibin Song
born: 2010 (age 12)
Shelby Song is twelve years old and really into butterfly clips and earrings rn. She's next in line to take the sword.
We're gonna try and make sure that doesn't happen.

Sei-Mi Emily "Mimi" Song
born: 2000 (age 22)

Sei-Jin Hugo Song
born: 2002 (age 20)

Shamsiel Cherubim
Grace Doe
Shamsiel is Shay's guardian angel.
She tries her best. Let's hope she doesn't fuck this up.