welcome to the links page :3 this is mostly for me but if you've stumbled across it, it's for you too!
cool blogs
- sadgrlonline good webmastery tips
- mortalboy aka harvey. the green site!
- ironymachine excellent pages i want to copy LOL
- solaria cool website! lots of neat links
- noodledesk very cool, sleek site :)
- oddmerit i wanna steal the js on their front page
- clouded cool website - crayon
- marzka well designed - robin sdv
- aegi just the most charming site. set up like a little town
- laika's lonely planet lovely minimalist site
- lazybones wooonderful site. great pages and lovely scrapbooky theme
- cabbagesorter cute! lotta anime.
- freakphone very charming retrofuturist 80s design :)
- invisibleup
- bikobatanari
resource links
- test page @ multiple resolutions
- rv's site fun javascript stuff (moving text, cursor blinkies)
- blinkie maker
- text