a guide to choosing the optimal five nights at freddy's lore videos to fall asleep to
I think too much. It's a bad habit. I especially think too much when I'm trying to sleep. Honestly, "trying to sleep" is the ideal condition for overthinking. You're lying horizontally in a dark room. You literally cannot do anything but overthink. Because of this, I have historically had a lot of trouble sleeping.
However, through a lot of trial and error, I have discovered a solution that works wonders for my personal brand of spiralling insomnia. I'd like to share this solution with you.
If you suffer from:
- similarly spirally insomnia
- aroommate who snores like an engine
- a lack of knowledge of the lore of a certain point-and-click indie horror francise
You may think to suggest white noise. I have tried this! And on days where my brain isn't as spirally white noise does work well. However, most of the time, white noise is a little too slippery and I continue thinking, just with a thunderstorm playing in the background.
The trick is finding something that you brain can grab onto (rather than think), but not finding something so interesting that you'll stay up wanting to hear more about it.