1. Time and date you started this?
1:37 pm on nov 28, 2024!
2. ASL?
early 20s/complicated/midwestern united states.
3. Opinions on musicals?
absolutely love them. there are few things that make me Feel like live theatre
4. Favorite snack?
i could eat hobak jeon every day until i died. but more realistically i like white cheddar cheezits
5. Have you ever been in love?
6. Favourite Pokémon?
7. Mario Kart main?
king boo!
8. Team Fortress 2 main?
usually medic but sometimes scout
9. Do you laugh at Youtube Poops?
if they're good, yeah
10. Are you listening to music right now?
i'm listening to iodine by pinegrove :)
11. Favourite shape?
12. Do you believe in astrology?
nah. happy for the people who have fun with it, but if someone starts ascribing anything genuinely serious to it i start sideyeing.
13. Do you believe in the occult?
i wish i did, but i don't :(
14. Opinions on vocaloid?
it's fun! i don't know a lot of songs but i like the ones i do
15. Would you ever want to be a rock star?
nooooooo way lol being famous sounds horrific. i would love to be part of a really small band with my buds that plays shows, though :)
16. Do you easily get stressed?
yeah lol
17. What is/was your favorite class in high school?
18. What pokemon type would you be? Dual types are allowed, LOL
19. Rei or Asuka?
i don't go here :(
20. Favorite HTML tag?
nothing compares to the humble div. it does so much for us.
21. Are you religious?
nah. wasn't raised with it, never saw the appeal
22. Opinions on nightcore?
i don't think i have any opinions. if i was exposed to a lot of it i think i might be annoyed by it, but as for now, like, whatever
23. Did you go through any major phase? (emo, goth, weeaboo, etc)
i went through an emo phase in terms of music taste but i was too self-conscious to make any fashion choices
24. Are you good at drawing?
25. Do you crack your joints?
way too much
26. Do you read visual novels?
not a lot, but if one comes highly recommended then i do :)
27. Can you sew?
yes, badly
28. Can you cook?
i cook pretty well! i went to school in a very white area and was in a drought of korean food. so i learned to cook it myself! i can also cook other things though. :)
29. Most expensive thing you’ve bought?
probably a plane ticket
30. Opinions on cosplay?
super cool, wish i had the commitment/skills
31. What's your most hated band/musician?
half alive for petty reasons
32. Are you a dramatic person?
only in jest. i'm repressed.
33. What emoticon do you use most?
the humble :-)
34. Can a miracle certainly occur?
who's to say?
35. Would you let a vampire suck your blood?
without hesitation
36. Do you have a celebrity crush?
37. Do you like snow?
love it!!! i'm sad i dont get to see much of it anymore
38. Were you really into Greek mythology as a kid?
yes! i was gifted a copy of Amazing Greek Myths of Wonders and Blunders as a kid which was very formative. and then i got really into percy jackson in middle school
39. What are some things you could competently deliver a speech on?
my specific shakespeare opinions, puzzle design
40. Are you good at spelling?
41. which touhou wud u fuk?
i don't know what this means
42. Do you think there's going to be a robot takeover?
no lol
43. Has science gone too far??!?!??!?!
not yet. not until i'm done with it
44. Would you be an angel or devil?
45. Sine, cosine, or tangent?
why would you pit bad bitches against each other.... (tangent)
46. Do you like licorice?
47. What’s thing you cant stand that everyone else loves?
48. What books did you like as a kid?
49. Can you play any instruments?
i can play piano and guitar badly. :)
50. What song would you want to play at your wedding?
something from dom fera's one october
51. Do you believe in reincarnation?
52. Finish the sentence: I’m just a guy who ______
53. Have you been to another continent?
54. What’s your worst habit?
procrastination and biting my nails
55. Favourite vegetable?
broccolini or zuccini
56. What’s something stupid that scared the shit outta you as a kid?
college students
57. What’s one of your guilty pleasures?
58. Would you rather be a ghost or a vampire?
59. What do you fear most?
60. Do you sleep with any plushies?
61. What hobby do you just not understand?
62. Do you like the taste of alcohol?
63. Are you a hopeless romantic?
64. Which deadly sin best fits you?
65. Which of your physical features do you like the most?
66. Are your ears pierced?
67. Have you ever been in a physical fight?
68. Where do you buy your clothes?
69. Where would you live if you could live anywhere?
70. Do you believe in magic? Or is it all a trick?
71. Have you read Umineko When They Cry? You should!
72. What is the worst chore to do?
73. What did your parents almost name you?
74. What would you want your name to be if you were not your current gender?
75. What were your first words?
76. What do you want your last words to be?
77. When did you first regularly start going online?
78. What year do you miss the most?
79. Are you psychic?
80. Would you fuck a clone of yourself? You’re not allowed to kill yourself.
81. What do you use to listen to music?
82. Whats the biggest city you’ve been to?
83. Favourite animal?
84. What web browser do you use?
85. Are you allergic to kitty cats???????????
86. Do you like energy drinks?
87. Would you ever spend money on TF2 unusuals/CS:GO skins/gacha pulls/etc.
88. When do you usually go to bed?
89. How often do you wash your hair?
90. Would you download a car?
91. What was your favorite show as a kid?
92. What’s the silliest hat you own?
93. What album/song do you listen to when you’re feeling angsty?
94. Do you make OCs?
95. What’s the goofiest thing you do when completely alone?
96. Do you like fireworks?
97. Favourite painter?
98. Favourite numbers?
99. What genre of vidya gaems are you really good at? (FPS, fightan, danmaku, racing, whatever)
100. time and date you finished this?